About Collen

“We are the sum total of our life experiences.”

Collen is a…

vi-sion-ar-y: ˈviZHəˌnerē
noun: a person with original ideas about what the future of creative content will be like.

Native Washingtonian Collen Dixon is an award-winning author, an avid supporter of the arts, a humanitarian, an empath, a social justice activist, and a truth-teller who is dedicated to creating diverse stories that provoke, uplift, entertain and enlighten.

Born in DC, Collen was raised in neighboring PG/Prince George’s/”Pretty Girl County.

Always a lover of books and the written word, Collen spent countless hours in the library, and she wrote her first novel in high school.

A proud product of the public school system, Collen’s educational path lead her to obtaining a B.S. in Engineering and an MBA.

Inspired by the works of Maya Angelou, Alice Walker, John Grisham and Stephen King, Collen eventually wrote her first published novel, Simon Says. She enjoys intrigue, suspense, and telling complex stories that depict the diversity of African-American people.

Her goal is to tell the stories of the DC she knows and truly loves.